Upgrade to the ED 100/250 swing door operators with EVAC & SPV options

Doors should open any time with little force and should always close securely, as simple as this sounds, the technical implementation is becoming increasingly complicated.

To satisfy such complex requirements, did you know that dormakaba have updated the ED 100/250 operators, in addition to the usual functions, two new features have been implemented with firmware V2.8: EVAC and SPV.

With the EVAC (evacuation) function of the ED 100/250, a barrier-free escape route can be provided even in case of a fire thanks to power assist or limited-time fully automatic opening after activation of the fire alarm input on the connection board, so a building can be evacuated more quickly, you can also add the dormakaba USP unit so if power fails it will allow the operator to continue to work.

With the SPV (smoke pressure ventilation) function of the ED 100/250, reliable operation can be achieved in both normal and fire mode. In normal mode, the pressure difference between two building areas separated by a door is significantly lower or even near zero, while in fire mode there may be pressure differences of more than 30 Pa. Instead of merely choosing a compromise for the force and speed settings in order to facilitate operation in both normal and fire mode, the SPV function provides two separate sets of parameters for force and speed: one for normal mode and another for fire mode. This way, the key movement parameters can be much better adapted to the respective conditions. In normal mode, no special measures are required.

To use both these functions, the Professional upgrade card must be installed; plus, on dual-leaf systems each operator must be equipped with a Professional upgrade card and in the case of the SPV function the operator must be full energy.

Follow the link to the Professional card on our website

29253001 DORMA ED100/ED250 Upgrade Card Professional ADS2044 – RTR Services

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